Building the Orphanage

The orphanage is a Christian based project. The Lord spoke to our hearts to care for the disadvantaged poor and marginalized people by empowering them through building capacities within Otacho community in the rural. Nashon and Judith are the native people within Otacho community. We started this project as the Lord put it in our hearts to do his will and to do God's will within this poor area.
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To connect with Pastor Nashon and Judith on Facebook, please click here

About the webmaster:

My name is Ken and and I'm a Christian living in Washington State. I have built this website with the hope of helping Pastor Nashon get exposure for the needs of the many children he cares for. I met Pastor Nashon in 2009, by God's grace, and have grown to know him through email and by letter, and am trying to assist him now with fundraising for the orphanage. Please consider sending a monetary donation. He has very limited resources available to him, but can be reached at the address and phone number above. Pastor Nashon's email is: